Formats and content-related guidelines for the thesis

The PhD thesis is the final output after a three-year PhD research programme. The thesis is the result of extensive, original research and presents the findings of the PhD student’s research project.

A PhD thesis must clearly demonstrate the author’s ability to generate new knowledge and understanding in relation to the international state of the art of the relevant research field(s). The thesis must engage with the academic theories and concepts and apply relevant methods of the field and present a research effort corresponding to the international standards for PhD theses.

A PhD thesis is usually written in Danish or English. Theses written in other languages than Danish, Norwegian, Swedish, or English must be approved by the PhD committee following application. The thesis should include an abstract in both Danish and English, with each abstract limited to one page.


A PhD thesis can be either a monograph or an article-based thesis. The format depends on your field and should be discussed with your supervisor at the beginning of your PhD program.